
Monday, June 23, 2014

Rest In Pizza by Chris Cavender

At this very moment, I can smell pizza baking in a pizzzeria oven. Eleanor along with her sister, Maddy, own a pizzzeria. They're always busy because customers around town love their pizza. However, there are times when something more important happens like a murder. When a very grouchy, snippety chef comes to town to sign and share his new book at the Bookmark, it isn't long before murder comes to town too. The chef is found sitting in The Slice with a knife stuck in his chest. There is no question whether it's murder. The only question is whodunnit. Eleanor and Maddy get involved with the investigation whether Detective Kevin Hurley wants them to or not. As a matter of fact, they find strong evidence and clues. As sleuths, they're just too good. It almost felt like no one else was working the case.

There aren't many suspects: Patrice, Cindy, Oliver, Jessie, Janet and Eleanor and Maddy. So, it's easy to keep up with who might have done the bad deed. Patrice,  wife of the Chef brings a lot of fun to the plot by drinking and drinking and drinking. Is she really as drunk as she seems?  

Of course, it wouldn't be a cozy without a little romance. Eleanor is a widow. She misses Joe, her husband, terribly. She has moved on and is in a relationship with David. It seems like it's working out fine. Maddy who is Eleanor's sister has been married four times. When Bob approaches her with marriage, she's hesitant. She and Eleanor have a falling out about what Eleanor won't tell Maddy. After all, Eleanor and Bob have been whispering about something. Eleanor promised Bob she wouldn't tell Maddy any part of the secret conversation. As far as Eleanor is concerned, their business is their business.

I liked the tension between Maddy and Eleanor. Like real sisters, they don't agree on every single thing that comes along. Maddy sticks to her opinion longer than Eleanor. So there can be a few moments of hot silence between the two. Not to worry, they always kiss and make up. Really, they have to make up because they work together in The Slice. 

I enjoyed Rest In Pizza by Chris Cavender. I didn't like my murder happening at the very beginning. I like to wait for about two chapters. I also like more suspects in a cozy. Makes it harder to figure out who is the true crime person. I loved the bookstore, the Bookmark. I hope Cindy will have another opening twice as successful. 

The relationships in the cozy are fun. Cindy and Janet are mother and daughter. It's also fun  that so many people know the Chef before he rolls into town. Some of the relationships are quite surprising. After while it began to become irksome with Maddy and Eleanor finding hard evidence before Kevin Hurley could get his hands on it. Plus, he seemed to swallow their involvement and good ability with sweet tolerance. Yuck! I wanted him to get steaming hot at those two for intruding on his case. 

All in all it's a good cozy. By the time the cozy ended, I had overdosed on pizza. I don't think any salad is served or hot Italian rolls. It's pizza, pizza, pizza. So I wasn't too excited about the few pizza recipes at the end of the book. I will have to let the book rest for a couple of weeks while my taste for pizza grows again. Then, I will appreciate the recipes in the back of the book. It's a welcome relief when Eleanor goes next door to the pastry shop and eats a donut or two not laced with cheese or pepperoni. It's a fun book.

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